What Is a Life Coach? What Are the Benefits?

Jan 16, 2021 | Building a Better You

Just about everyone who is an adult understands at some point that life comes at you fast. There are countless old sayings, colloquialisms, and cliches that come to mind when thinking about life in general, but one that applies to a lot of people is, “The days are long, but the years are short.” Too many talented people wake up one day and start to wonder where all the time has gone, what happened to their endless future, and what they should do about it. The hope is that if you’re reading this, you don’t become one of those people who simply let your dreams go.

Is there a way to get your life as you envisioned it on track? You bet there is, and one of the ways you can do so is with the help of a life coach.

What is a life coach? Are life coaching sessions worthwhile investments?

Yesterday, during another Dream Discovery Call I was listening as another unsettled dreamer was sharing her fuzzy dream. It was one of the very few times she had shared her passion and hope for a brighter, more productive, more fulfilling future with someone. It is such a blessing to be given the opportunity to listen and encourage unsettled dreamers! I have been helping people articulate their dreams and yes, go and achieve them for years. And, each time I get to stand on this sacred ground with folks looking for something more, my hope is restored. Dreams do come true! People can be set free. They can realize more!

Below is a brief answer to that emerging question that is, “What is a life coach?” Please take a look and if you’re ready to point your life in the direction you feel it deserves, take a few simple steps to get that started. 

What Is a Life Coach?

Defining Goals

Most of us had dreams as a child of becoming a movie star, a world-famous athlete or even a legendary rock and roll singer or guitarist. What was yours?

There’s nothing wrong with those dreams, but most of us then began to dream of other things as we moved closer to adulthood. That’s when many of us began to dream of becoming doctors, business owners, teachers… We dreamt of making a difference, using our unique talents and gifts. 

Then life got busy. We were told to find something to do that was more reasonable, more within our reach. Some dreams were actually crushed. Because, well, you can’t make a living doing that. It’s easy for our dreams to become muddled. We settle for making a living. And, over time settling actually leaves us unsettled. We slip into working a job to pay bills, or support the family. Suddenly, (didn’t really happen suddenly, but, at some point we become acutely aware of the gradual slide) we realize the dreams & goals that once inspired us no longer seem to matter.

A life coach is an invested partner. He/she will help you clearly and tangibly define your goals that you want to achieve, and restore the belief that you can do it.

In my Dream Accelerator, I describe these initial steps. I help unsettled dreamers focus your dream, name your fear, and change your mind. You can’t achieve your dreams without clarifying them, and life coaching sessions will help you do that. Think of it like this, your dream must become so vivid that they thought of not pursuing it is more painful than working for it.

Developing a Plan

After your life coaching sessions help you focus your dream, it’s time to put a realistic plan in place that sets about achieving it. It may seem impossible now, but most people are surprised if not stunned when they actually put in a bit of work and plot out how to achieve what they truly want. The bottom line is that for most people, this can be done! However, you need to work hard at putting steps together that all help you move towards your goal, and a life coach will help you do that. I call this step define your next. Think of it like this, movement is created by taking the next step. No dream is ever achieved by fixating on the ultimate. It is realized by committing to the next step. Successful dreamers glance at the ultimate portrait of that focused dream, and gaze at the next step.

Your life goals are important, and a life coach can help you remember that when you may be tempted to shy away from moving forward with thoughts like, “I have a family to support,” or “I have bills to pay.” Your life coach will see you through those doubts by helping you reframe limiting beliefs and changing your mind! As I say on my website:

Most people give up on their dreams because they’ve believed a set of lies. In order to realize your capacity, you’ve got to change your mind. Change your mind about yourself and what you can accomplish. Change your mind about your fears, so that they are no longer fences that hold you back, but fuel that propels you forward. Change your mind about your future―you are designed to be a co-creator of your life story.

Helping You Stick With That Plan

Unexpected circumstances will continue to arise. Obstacles and challenges are an unavoidable part of life. A life coach will help you make whatever adjustments are necessary in this regard but also push you to stick with the plan even when things seem too difficult to continue. This is critically important, as people need that advocate, that voice on their shoulder to tell them to keep going when they may feel that quitting is the right thing to do for others.

One of the key components of the Dream Accelerator is that you will take this journey with others. In community!

Human beings are designed for connection. We think best, we work best, we dream best when we are connected with a community that accepts, supports, and encourages each other.  Every member of the Life Coaching Program joins a community where we learn together and encourage each other. Your passion for the dream will fade at times. Your fears will feel insurmountable again at times. That’s when we need each other―we can remind each other that we each have the capacity to shape the future.

If you have a dream that you feel you have never been able to chase, it’s time to find out what that is, put a plan together to pursue it, and then achieve it.

I can help you with all of this. Better said, I would love to be an invested partner in your dream. I am not only interested in your dream. I not only believe in your dream and your capacity to dream, but I also want to hold you accountable to make your dream happen.

The VIP Dream Accelerator is a 6-month, one-to-one coaching process will change your mind . . . so you can realize your capacity.

Take the next step and schedule YOUR free, 30-minute Dream Discovery Call today!

Pursue your dreams with my Podcast

Listen to The Move Forward Anyway Podcast and discover how you can achieve your dreams.

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